暑期工作vs. 实习:有什么不同?

两个人在一个车间设置, one appears to be instructing or assisting the other who is actively working with materials on a workbench.

Summer is the perfect time for teenagers to get a job or seek an 实习 in a field that interests them. 任何一条路都可以帮助他们为未来做好准备. 当你帮助你的孩子探索他们的夏季选择时, 讨论一下暑期工作和暑期工作的区别. 实习 so that they can make an educated decision about what is best for them. 

暑期工作vs. 实习

暑期工作和 实习 provide high school students opportunities to gain valuable work experience before heading out into the working world. While “实习” and “summer job” are often used interchangeably, there are differences that can impact a teen’s decision to choose one over the other. 


  • 暑期工作总是有薪水的.

  • 它们通常是入门级职位.

  • Summer jobs generally have no time limit unless they are seasonal jobs. Students can work during the summer and scale back their hours when classes begin.

  • Summer jobs can be used to build soft skills like communication, 时间管理, 解决问题, 团队合作, 等. 


  • An 实习 is typically a temporary position that allows teenagers to gain practical work experience in a particular field.  

  • 它通常会持续一段时间. An end date is agreed upon beforehand so that both parties are on the same page. 

  • 实习可以是带薪的,也可以是无薪的. 

  • 实习 are typically specialized in a field and can have more weight on a resume. 

  • 它们可以用来建立联系和网络. 

为什么青少年会选择实习vs. 一份工作

当你的孩子看到实习的利弊时, there are several reasons why they may choose an 实习 over a summer job.


一项来自 全国大学和雇主协会 found that 实习 experience was the most influential factor worth looking at when deciding who to hire. Having experience from an 实习 on your resume can show that you are eager to learn more about the profession and are dedicated, 尤其是如果这个职位没有报酬的话.


实习可以提供实践经验. Teens will not only observe work being done but will also have a chance to experience it firsthand. 通过参与自己的日常工作, they can learn more about which parts of the industry they enjoy, and the experience can help them refine their goals when it comes time to pursue a career or higher education.  


实习 allow teens to develop professional connections that can lead to future 辅导的机会 还有更多. 实习 give teens the opportunity to get their foot in the door and make a good impression at a specific company or within a well-connected industry. Employers know that their interns are already familiar with the company culture and may also already have some experience. 如果他们实习成功的话, they may find themselves at an advantage for open positions in the future. 


Being interested in a field and being skilled in a field are two different things. 实习期间, teens can use their interest to develop and hone the necessary skills to perform the job. They can ask questions, learn from mistakes, and discover what it means to be a valuable team player. 

A group of online school students research summer jobs vs 实习.

为什么青少年会选择暑期工作. 实习

Some teens choose the summer job route over an 实习 because it better aligns with their needs and goals.


如果你的孩子想赚额外的钱, 他们可能会选择一份暑期工作, especially if they’re unsure of exactly what career path they want to take. 挣薪水也是一个很好的教学工具 金融知识主题 比如预算, 储蓄,以及资金管理.


Many times, a summer job can lead to future employment during the school year. 统计数据显示 that in 2022, nearly 20% of all teens ages 16-19 worked while they were enrolled in school. Getting in the door in the summer can help teens who want to keep a job when school starts, rather than have to look for a new opportunity while also balancing school obligations.


Even if their summer job isn’t in the field they may want to pursue, a summer job shows future employers and universities work experience and commitment.  A summer job can also introduce your teen to people who may be able to help them develop their future career goals. When deciding whether your teen should look for a summer job vs. 实习, have them evaluate their goals and look at where they stand in terms of career development. They can determine if they are simply looking to earn money during the summer or want to learn more about a field that interests them. 对于一些有事业心的学生来说, online school programs can help students develop various career skills such as being a self-starter that could help them to stand out in a crowd of applicants, 无论他们决定从事什么领域. 

The flexibility of online classes can help students develop vital 时间管理 组织能力, and they can also take advantage of the flexible class schedule to pursue 实习 and job opportunities during the school year. 

To learn more about enrolling your child in online school, 下载我们的免费电子指南

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